Friday, September 30, 2011

When is a Tarot reading not a Tarot reading?

Someone can ask a question and we give good, general advice in the reading. This is ok, but the Tarot can be very specific about what to do with a particular situation at a particular time. This is how it can be done.

Also, a simple technique to get started with a reading, that you can do with confidence, and that engages the questioner.

Friday, September 16, 2011

This is how you already can read cards; and the pitfalls of free-form reaadings

Even beginners can read the Tarot and I show you how you can make sense of a card, and use it to answer any question.

Next we consider free-form readings - picking a card and applying it to the questioner wihout knowing in advance what sort of information you want it to give. I think it's better and more reliable to know first what question the card will be answering. I demonstrate with an example from an Internet reading that I listened to.