Monday, February 28, 2011

Audio for Episode 20

Episode 20 deals with:
  • karma, and being paid for readings
  • playing with words and names - words = sword; Magician contains magic and magi and what you can do with this
  • using the Tarot itself to describe and explain what it can do and how it is built
  • considering trios of Major Trumps for a clearer understanding

Friday, February 25, 2011

Audio for Episode 19

Episode 19 continues our exploration of the Celtic Cross - the 3rd or Foundation card, and the 4th card that shows what is passing away.

1. Why The Fool in the first position doesn't have to indicate a great new start.

2. Debbie's 5 of Cups opposed by the 9 of Swords; the 6 of Batons below, and the Sun passing away.

3. Shelley's 2 of Cups opposed by The Hierophant; The Fool below and Death passing away.

4. A brief re-cap of Lana's Queen of Batons opposed by the 5 of Swords; new discussion of her High Priestess below, and the 2 of Batons passing away.

A fine time was had by all.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Audio for Episode 18

Episode 18 is about how the Tarot describes and helps us to understand life - and the real and underlying causes behind effects.

Then there is a point or two about the Tower and its relationship to the Hermit and the High Priestess and how we can produce a variety of interpretations with these three cards to cover different situations,

Along with an answer to someone who wants her 'ex' back.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Audio for Episode 17

Episode 17 is mainly about the Celtic Cross - a spread that can be sometimes difficult, but that is always informative, and that reveals more with each look.
In this Episode, we consider and examine how to make sense of the first two cards - the atmosphere surrounding the question, and the opposing force.
In Episode 19 ( 11-11.30 pm EST on February 24) we will look at the 3rd and 4th cards.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Audio for Episode 16

Episode 16 is:

  • about bottlenecks, and how you have to see the whole process if you are to know how to solve the problem; relate this to any card to know its past, present and future
  • about answering people's questions the way they ask them because that's what they want to know; not answering because you're afraid is no basis from which to operate

Friday, February 11, 2011

Episode 15 Audio

Below is the audio for Episode 15 that was:

  • about how the Tarot is not ridiculous, but is an excellent method for getting to the heart of whatever the matter may be
  • about poka-yoke ('mistake-proofing') and how keeping this in mind will make you a better reader of the Tarot and adviser to others
  • about doing a Celtic Cross for yourself answering the question: What is my future with the Tarot? and beginning to understand the answer, one card at a time

Monday, February 7, 2011

Episode 14

Episode 14:

  • about blogs and recognizing characteristics of their authors
  • about symbols in the Rider deck and going further with them to illuminate the reading
  • about The Tower as the fall of man, and how Eve was seduced because she confused the effect for the cause; and what to do about this so we don't suffer her fate

Friday, February 4, 2011

Audio for Episode 13

Audio for Episode 13.

Early on, I read a quote from Jean Giono:

Days begin and end in the dead of night.

They are not shaped long in the manner of things which lead to ends - arrow, road, man's life on earth.

They are shaped round, in the manner of things eternal and stable - sun, world, God.

You get some great ideas about the meaning of Swords and Batons, Cups and Coins.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Audio for Episodes 11 and 12

Below you will find the audio recording for Episode 11. The quality is better than you get in the blogtalkradio archive.

Below here is the audio for Episode 12.
  • About not copying someone else's method.
  • About writing your own, your very own, Tarot book because the best way to learn something is to teach it.
  • About the difference between the Major trumps and the Minors.