Monday, December 20, 2010

Episode 002 - Contents

The first main point was about everyone starting their own blog if they haven't already done so. It's free on and on

Post as much or as little as you want and send me the URL so we can all take a look at what you are doing. You ask yourself questions and listen to your own thoughts for the answer.

The idea is that you will be more able to develop understanding, rather than make lists of "meanings". When you discover something for yourself, it's yours and you don't forget it.

The second main point was about the "read" in "reading cards". What we say ought to have something to do with the card, or be triggered by it rather than plucked out of thin air or be just a psychic impression that may or may not have any validity.

If we read the card by looking at the picture while thinking of the question, we should be able to make a connection that will help to answer the question that has been asked.

Some problems are easy to solve; others are much more difficult and complicated. We can't say much in a short consultation, but we can recommend a good book or two that the questioner can spend time with later, that will give him or her a decent foundation to build on. I like Vernon Howard and Eric Butterworth.

Who would be your choice to recommend?

The next show is at 11pm EST on Thursday evening, December 23, 2010. The call-in number is 714.364.4503.

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