Friday, February 25, 2011

Audio for Episode 19

Episode 19 continues our exploration of the Celtic Cross - the 3rd or Foundation card, and the 4th card that shows what is passing away.

1. Why The Fool in the first position doesn't have to indicate a great new start.

2. Debbie's 5 of Cups opposed by the 9 of Swords; the 6 of Batons below, and the Sun passing away.

3. Shelley's 2 of Cups opposed by The Hierophant; The Fool below and Death passing away.

4. A brief re-cap of Lana's Queen of Batons opposed by the 5 of Swords; new discussion of her High Priestess below, and the 2 of Batons passing away.

A fine time was had by all.

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